The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.

~Henry Miller

See the process of creating art in a new and different way.

You’ll notice the beauty around you. You’ll have more language to appreciate art. You’ll experience the meditative, stress-relieving, and pure delight of making art.


Discover the benefits of drawing and painting far beyond what ends up on the page.

I love teaching people who love art but believe (wrongly!) that they cannot create. Drawing and painting are skills that we can practice and learn, just like any other skill.

Are you new to making art and always wondered if you could draw? Do you have some drawing skills and want to explore adding watercolor washes to your ink? Do you just find yourself with time on your hands and the desire to try something new? You are in the right place!

The masters make it look too easy. It’s helpful to learn to create from someone who shows their process, even mistakes. I make a lot of mistakes — and still have fun. I am enjoying the study and how it enhances my appreciation of nature and the art of others everyday.

Especially the art of my students. They are so brave.


 Join my free 30-days of drawing prompts for absolute beginners


 Hi, I’m Anne-Marie

I’ve always loved art and museums, pens and paper, but never thought I could paint, draw or ‘make art’.

I read an article about a woman who had a gallery showing in New York in her 80s, after starting to paint late in life. I thought, if I start now, I will have painted for almost fifty years by then! So I began. And realized that no matter your age, it is never too late.

Five years later I took up drawing, in need of some basic drawing skills to improve my paintings. I started keeping sketchbooks and drew whatever I saw wherever I was, whenever I could.

If I didn’t like a drawing, I flipped the page and started again. I learned from all of them. After a year or so of nearly daily sketches, I felt more confident to draw what I see. Now I have been drawing for more than five years. My drawings are more complicated, and I am able to complete them more quickly. I feel confident to draw just about anything — unless it has eyes or a roof! And that’s okay — with continued practice, more is coming.

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