Hi — I’m Anne-Marie,

I’m so glad you’re here!

I’m a serious hobbyist who picked up art late in life and discovered it is a skill, and like any other skill, the more you do it, the better it is. I enjoy sharing tips and tricks in a playful environment for drawing and painting with people who are new to art and watercolor and don’t yet know that we are all artists.

I’ve always loved art and museums, pens and paper, but never thought I could draw or paint. I started watercolor painting in my early 40s – no matter your age, it is never too late. I took up drawing five years later, after realizing that I would need some drawing skills to improve my paintings.


Keeping sketchbooks substantially improved my drawing skills. I did quick sketches on the go – during my commute on the ferry, on a walk, in a waiting line, at a boring meeting, at a restaurant. If I didn’t like a drawing, I turned the page and began again. I learned from all of them. After a year or so of nearly daily sketches (sometimes just 90 seconds), I now feel confident to draw and paint just about anything I see — as long as it doesn’t have eyes or a roof! Ha! And that’s okay — with practice, more is coming.

My students describe surprising benefits of drawing and painting, far beyond what ends up on the page. The activity of creating is meditative, it is stress-relieving, and most of all, we start to see the beauty around us in a whole new way. We learn to see the art of the masters in a new way. My students also Blow.Me.Away with what they can accomplish with just a few classes.

I hope you join the newsletter and poke around with us.

xoxo Anne-Marie

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 Join my free 30-days of drawing prompts for absolute beginners

Come say hello on Instagram @asargentart

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