Summer 2022

I've been blessed to spend a lot of time with nature this summer. A camping trip, that my stepdaughter invited me to take with her family when I told her that her dad and I did not camp often enough for my tastes. I love the things you do on a camping trip — walking down to a pond at sunset, taking a nature stroll and noticing the different dragonflies. Enjoying this with children who delight in nature is magical. There were no devices with any of the kids on this trip, even the teenagers. (I can’t say the same for the moms.) I hiked several times in the Olympics. At Mt. Townsend, an annual go to hike, Licorice started limping and not wanting to put weight on his paw when we were steps from the very top — if he were small, I would’ve put him into my backpack. Not possible with a 75 lb dog. I’ve spent much time in the garden, far more time than I’ve been at the computer or at my art supplies. There was one, and then two, hummingbirds visiting the flowers we planted for them (salvia and cuphea are particular favorites). At the feeders I've seen the usual nuthatches, chickadees, juncos, and twohees, but also flickers and, for a few days, a gold finch. What a treat! And of course there are the regular walks at the trail systems maintained by the Parks Dept on our island.

These joys are bittersweet with the persistent news of a warming planet, wildfires (which have been blessedly fewer this year), and threats to birds. Speaking of, did you know that outdoor lights impact migratory birds? It is similar to the way ocean traffic is impacting our whales. I can limit my online purchases, and consider this information when setting the schedule for outdoor lights this fall.





