Talent is pursued interest.

~ Bob Ross

I love teaching people who love art but believe (wrongly!) that they cannot create.

Watching the masters is inspiring but sometimes not very helpful if we want to learn how to do it. I find it’s helpful to learn from someone who is still learning and sharing their process.

If you love paper and pens, art and museums, and can make time for a few minutes a day, give this hobby a try. You’ll be amazed what you can do!


Free Online Classes

Check out my YouTube channel for free classes and resources.

Find my free Drawing Foundation classes at these links:

Part 1 — Blind contour drawing, to start our observation skills — the most important skill an artist can develop.

Part 2 — a measured drawing, for more accuracy.

Part 3 — our first still life.

Part 4 — shading, or adding value, to make our objects pop off the page.

Part 5a and 5b — putting it all together in a still life. Bravo!

Was that enjoyable for you? I am preparing videos to show you how to paint this still life. You’ll find it much easier now that you have drawn it. Stay tuned!



“Anne-Marie’s art classes have been such a highlight for me and my family this pandemic! She continues to guide us through not only painting projects, but also tips and techniques with regard to colour mixing, brushes, contrast, and strokes in a fun and relaxed atmosphere where the time truly flies. We have all seen the difference in our technique since our first class and I simply cannot recommend her enough!”

— Kathleen

“We wanted to emphasize how much we enjoyed this class!! Your delightful approach made this something we could really do - even though we had never done anything like this before. Thank you for introducing us to an amazing, meditative hobby that we can carry with us wherever we go. And thank you for being so supportive, approachable, and real! It’s very inspiring to hear about your mistakes and how you shake them off. Your attitude regarding not worrying about making things perfect was SUPER reassuring. All in all a fantastic experience that was so uplifting.”

~ Juliette

I'm working on creating online courses for new and continuing students.

 While I create my new courses,
please join my free 30-days of drawing prompts for absolute beginners

I’ll notify you when my online courses are ready to launch.