Watercolor Painting with Videos and Zoom Live Class


Watercolor painting, from photo reference to finished product, from the comfort of your home. Sign up by November 17 — email with photo reference, drawing, and drawing videos drop November 18. Pay by Venmo @asargentart or with the link below. Or email me to arrange other payment.

Let's paint!

Watercolor painting, from photo reference to finished product, from the comfort of your home. Sign up by November 17 — email with photo reference, drawing, and drawing videos drop November 18. Pay by Venmo @asargentart or with the link below. Or email me to arrange other payment.

Watercolor painting, from photo reference to finished product, from the comfort of your home. Sign up by November 17 — email with photo reference, drawing, and drawing videos drop November 18. Pay by Venmo @asargentart or with the link below. Or email me to arrange other payment.


Step by step watercolor painting.

Have you noticed that some artists on YouTube show you how to paint, but start with a drawing that you don’t have on your paper? In this lesson, I will send the photo reference I am using and videos each step of the way. We will finish with a live and recorded Zoom call where I demonstrate, answer questions, add the darkest values and finishing details, and chat.

Here’s what you will receive:

  • video one — creating a thumbnail from a photo reference

  • video two — creating a drawing to trace onto your watercolor paper

  • video three — laying down the “first wash”

  • video four — adding the second layer of paint (glazing)

  • Zoom call to bring it home and make the painting work.

Things you will need:

  • Watercolor and drawing supplies in the painting here

  • Graphite paper to trace drawing onto sketchbook page or watercolor paper (I can mail a sheet to you if you need)

  • 30-60 minutes of uninterrupted time to do the exercise in each video

  • A positive attitude and beginner’s mind!


“Anne-Marie’s [Zoom] art classes have been such a highlight for me and my family this pandemic! She continues to guide us through not only painting projects, but also tips and techniques with regard to colour mixing, brushes, contrast, and strokes in a fun and relaxed atmosphere where the time truly flies. We have all seen the difference in our technique since our first class and I simply cannot recommend her enough!”

— Kathleen



You will receive emails with the photo reference and starting videos on November 18, and the others approximately one per week after that. This will be fun!